Why not just double up the single quotes?

> Okay, to try and make my life easier I decided to try changing a 
> block
> of code from CFSet to CFScript.
> However, part of what I need to do in this code is run a query based
> on a variable value... I'm pulling a label out of a record body and
> need to get the id of a record where a certian field matches that
> value.  I'm reading an email that contains fixed width tables that
> hold some data I need to import.
> Anyway, I made all the CFScript changes and created a query called
> "RunQuery" that takes one parameter - SQL Statement.  If I had SQL
> Server I know how I would do this, using a stored procedure. but I
> don't.
> When I try to pass the generated SQL Statement (select .... from ....
> where label = '#This_Label#') CF is barfing on me because it 
> instantly
> escapes the single quotes.  When I tried adding "preserve
> singlequotes" the error comes up looking at the sinqlequoetes with a 
> in front... nice way of preserving those quotes.
> Any suggestions?  I've had to revert the code back to a ton of CFSets
> until I can get the queries working.
> Thanks!

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