i realize its not the norm
i maybe passionate but i am not crazy ;)

heres a screen capture when trying to update from their site

and yes i have a firewall (bitdefender)

im telling u this does crazy things, i have all the auto updates turned off but 
it will still try, drives me friggin nuts
and almost anytime i have updated it crashes ( i know quite a few ppl that 
happens to)
but the thing is that there is a problem and its happened on multiple comps and 
even when this comp was new same thing but they just dont even want to hear 
about it. and its not like im running it on a crappy puter either, i just have 
no idea but im not gunna go shell out another $300 for another copy.

and dont worry i dont take anything on here personal
you & i can go around and around all day long but i still respect u highly :)

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Wed, 8 Dec 2004 21:12:51 -0500

>> i dont think i have gone longer than 1 month between 
>> re-installs i have tried my disk on 3 diff comps, a high 
>> priced dell, an alienware and an ams custom and it happens on 
>> all 3 machines so i know its not hardware.
>> bout 2 wks ago i had to put in another hd after the os tried 
>> to update itself (with it turned off) and completely froze 
>> up, so i had to get a new hd to put in so i could get 
>> everything off my old one that didnt get saved yet to my 
>> external one, yeah thats how bad it is, i have 3 hds now and 
>> a dvd burner and i still get caught grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>> and this has happened since i first bought xp pro and of 
>> course m$ tells me its probably a bad disk but they wont 
>> replace it, they try and pan it off on bestbuy to replace but 
>> they wont either. So basically im stuck with crap. I tried to 
>> sell it on ebay & m$ made ebay remove it because apparently 
>> even though i bought the software m$ still ownes the rights 
>> to it and im not allowed to sell it. at the samtime i had my 
>> copy of access and they removed that as well (even though i 
>> bought it on ebay) and now apparently they are so sick of me 
>> calling and bitching at them that i cant even access 
>> windowsupdate.microsoft.com anymore, so i cant get their damn 
>> fix for my comp having the BSOD every 10 friggin minutes with 
>> buffer overruns from my cable line.
>I'm sorry, but you sound like you're completely insane. I don't mean that as
>a personal attack, but if I heard this from someone and that was all I knew
>about them, I'd think they were nuts. 
>If you can install the software from the CD, it's not a "bad disk". All the
>CDs have the same files on them. I also find it unlikely that they've
>blocked your access to the Windows Update site. Finally, you should have
>some sort of firewall set up between your machine and the outside world to
>prevent all those buffer overruns.
>I have machines running Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 and have never seen
>any problems like that. I'm not saying that people don't have problems, just
>that your situation isn't the norm.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>phone: 202-797-5496
>fax: 202-797-5444

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