Hi all

I can't get this to work and I've tried livedocs but I don't see
anything that says that I shouldn't be able to do this

<!--- cferrror --->
<cferror type="exception" exception="com.whatever"
<cferror type="exception" exception="com.whatever.validation"

<!--- try 1: goes to error_comehatevervalidation.cfm --->
<cfthrow type="com.whatever" message="this is the 'com.whatever' error calling">

<!--- try 2: goes to error_comehatevervalidation.cfm --->
<cfthrow type="com.whatever.validation" message="this is the
'com.whatever.validation' error calling">

When I change the order of the cferror's and cfthrow's, it just seems
to default to the last cferror tag regardless.
I can get the CF exceptions  (database, missinginclude, etc) to work
no bother just throwing them in the template but not the custom

Note that I can get the custom exceptions to work when wrapped in
cftry/cfcatch but can you not use a custom cfthrow outwith the
cftry/cfcatch and trap it with cferror?

Any pointers appreciated.  Am I totally on the wrong track?


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