A lot of firewalls strip out the referer so that may be the problem.


Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
On-Line Data Solutions, Inc. - www.CoolFusion.com
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--- On Thursday, December 09, 2004 12:38 PM, Emmet McGovern scribed: ---
> I'm using cfcontent to prevent hotlinking images and I'm suddenly
> having a 
> lot of emails with people using Norton firewall getting blocked from
> viewing images.
> Anyone have a clue why this is happening.  It's just on the image
> display page.
> I link to the image like so...
> <img
> src="dsp_getimg.cfm?GalleryID=#GalleryID#&photoid=#photoid#&photo=#photo#">
> Other than my query, this is everything on the page I'm linking to.
> <cfif CGI.REFERER contains "folio">
> <cfif session.auth.gallerysize is "lg_" and getphotos.lgheight is "">
> <cfset getsize = "med_">
> <cfelse>
> <cfset getsize = "#session.auth.gallerysize#">
> </cfif>
> <cfcontent type="image/jpg"
> file="#application.root#\folio\#getdirectory.foliodir#\gallery\#getdirectory
> .directory#\#getsize##photo#">
> <cfelse>
> <cfcontent type="image/jpg"
> file="D:\InetPub\folio\gallery\img\nolink.jpg"> 
> </cfif>
> Thanks.
> Emmet

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