Aaron Rouse wrote:

>Not only do I not have a blog, but I also never read blogs.  Though
>sometimes I wish I had the free time to do so, since seems to be a
>great amount of technical information on them.
Get yourself an RSS feed reader and get the feed from www.fullasagoog.com.

Good collection of MACR-centric blogs there. MACR's MXNA aggregator 
should be out in RSS format (according to Mike Chambers) soon, so this 
would be a good one to add, too.

I've had my ass saved a number of times from reading blogs. I've also 
gotten a ton of good tips, hints and tricks that I've filed mentally and 
come back to when I needed them.

At least cruise http://www.markme.com/mxna/index.cfm?category=ColdFusion 
once a day, man!


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