>I have an application where the user selects a record via a key
> lookup, and then that record is displayed individually.  From there I
> want to be able to click a '<' button to go to the previous record in
> the sequence, or a '>' to go to the next record, and continue to
> select records via this method as an alternative to the key lookup.
> I did this in an entirely different environment where I was able to
> use native controls that allowed straight up SELECT NEXT and SELECT
> PREVIOUS commands, where I was also able to throw those commands into
> a loop for fast forward and rewind as well.  Don't expect to get that
> in the web world, but I need the next/previous.
> I think I can come up with something, but the convolutions necessary
> to make it work are making my head hurt.  Is there something simple
> and obvious I have missed on this (for me) Sunday morning?.

Quick question...are ya using DreamweaverMX?

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