> I have a simple text file that I want to force-download for 
> users of a web application.  I've set up the following code:
> <cfheader
>   name="Content-Disposition"
>   value="attachment; filename=#filename#">
> <cfcontent
>   type="text/plain"
>   file="#filepath#"
>   deletefile="no">
> When I run the code in IE, I get the "File Download" dialog 
> box as you'd expect.  When I either try to open or save the 
> file, I get this error
> message:
> "Internet Explorer cannot download act_download_key.cfm from 
> www.anyhost.com.
> Internet Explorer was not able to open this internet site... 
> blah blah"
> This site is being served over HTTPS.  When I adjust the IIS 
> configuration to allow requests over HTTP, the code magically 
> works without issues.
> Furthermore Firefox can open/save the file without problems 
> over either HTTP or HTTPS.  I'm assuming this is some 
> idiosyncrasy with IE when using CFCONTENT/CFHEADER over an 
> SSL site.  Thanks for your help.

Perhaps there's a problem with the Content-Disposition header. You might
want to try "inline" instead of "attachment".

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444

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