> -----Original Message-----
> From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:33 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> I think you're a bit off...

I think that the original poster might be confusing two separate things
here: asynchronous calls and thread pooling.

CF has been doing thread pooling since it became truly multi-threaded in CF
3 or 4 (I forget which... but I think it was 3).

All this means is that a certain number of threads is set aside for handling
requests (the default is 10).  When a request comes in it's assigned to a
thread from the pool which runs it serially and returns.  If all threads are
active the request is queued and will be assigned the first available

As an aside the number of threads is only important in relation to your
application.  It should be clear that all active threads actually share the
resources of the box.  So, for example, if your application is highly
CPU-bound (a calculator of some time or a data processer) then it's
generally recommended that fewer threads be created.  This means that more
requests may have to wait, but that more processor time can be spread
amongst the relatively few threads - this ensures that once a request gets a
thread it finishes as fast as possible.

(Remember that in actual fact the CPU is essentially running in serial -
working on a small piece from each thread one after the other, not at the
same time.  Since thread management can consume significant resources you
want to set your thread count low enough where you're not spending more time
managing threads than completing your processing.)

By the same token if you're threads may spend a lot of idle time - for
example waiting for a web server or a database to respond you can up the
number of active threads.  Since they're only waiting for responses they're
not consuming significant resources on their own - so why not allow a lot of
them to "put in their orders" and wait instead of just a few?

Anyway, that's thread pooling.  We've had it forever and so has everything

But the key point here is that within a thread everything runs in SERIAL -
it plods along one after the other.  A CF template can't call a database and
then output a timer while it's waiting for a response.  It must make the
call, then wait for the DB to respond and then continue.

Asynchronous calls (what Isaac was talking about originally) address this
problem.  This means simply that a single request can start something, then
do something else while the first thing is working.

Such processing isn't as necessary in web applications as in client-side
applications (for example, think how annoying it would be if you counld't
read email at the same time you were fetching new mail?) but can be very
useful in certain situations.

For example I've got a page that allows the user to fetch a PDF from the
server.  The page checks security permissions, writes and entry to a metrics
log file, then delivers the PDF.

In this case, as it is today, you musty get a response from the database to
continue to deliver the PDF.  But the metrics logging isn't critical to the
process (in this case at least) so why should it delay the customer request?

With an asynchronous call I could "spawn" a new thread to handle the
database entry and then immediately deliver the file.  The PDF thread would
continue even if the new logging thread failed or was slow for some reason.

>From a single request I created two distinct, parallel processes that didn't
have to be dependent upon one another.

I'm not sure how this will be implemented in BlackStone - Isaac's post was
the first I'd heard of it.  But it is doable in Java (of course) and it
wouldn't be all that hard to create a CFC to kick something like this off in
CFMX (several people on this list have already done it I'm sure).

If they're going to standardize it in BlackStone, more power to them, but
HOW they're going to do it I'm not sure.  Will they only support "orphaned"
threads (threads which are created and launched but can't communicate back
to the parent thread) or will they support a more complete model.

As I said the actual practical uses for this kind of thing in a web
application aren't all that common (think of the really good CF or ASP
applications you've seen - none of them support this - I may be wrong, but I
don't think PHP supports it either).  So I would bet it will pretty
simplistic support, not a full thread management model, but that's just a

Jim Davis

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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