Hear hear! 

But... in this kind of forum.. (or maybe I am getting it mixed up with
the CMS one) I wouldnt like everyone telling me about <insert product>
in great detail unless I asked specificlly. There are a number of
commercial and non comercial products being developed by people in
this list and it would just get a bit booged down.

P.S. I contribute to CFEclipse which is a plugin for Eclipse which is
a replacement for Dreamweaver aimed at developers. It has nice
features and a responsive team

(is that a good plug?)


On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 00:17:22 +1100, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not wanting to point the finger at anyone in particular, but I'm
> always astonished at how many people talk about new software products,
> without ever saying what it actually DOES!
> For example (and its only one example of a great many!),  FLEX was out
> for months and months before I could persuade anyone to tell me what
> it was for.   Several times I even asked point blank, "What does it
> do?",  and got a blank look as though I was some kind of crackpot.
> The quizzical looks said "are you serious?  just download it and find
> out for yourself you lazy bugger!"
> Microsoft does it a lot too.  We'll get announcement from them that
> MSNewWidget2 is out,  but not actually saying what it does.  Or else
> giving motherhood statements like "enables users to access their
> information easily and rapidly"   They get so close to something while
> it's being developed, I think they forget that the rest of us have
> been busy with our own lives and don't know .
> It's as though simply because it's been released (or more latterly
> been made availble on beta) I ought to spend a few hours downloading
> and configuring something, in order to find out if I might possibly
> use it.
> NO!
> It's not MY responsibility to go to all the trouble to find out what
> it does,  if you have a new product, it's YOUR responsibility to TELL
> ME what it does, and convince me it's worth my while to go to all the
> trouble to get the product and put it on my system.   These days to
> look at a software package can be a commitment of several hours.  On
> chargeable time, that's several hundred bucks. On my own spare time,
> it's worth ten times that because I have precious little of it.
> Another example:  I've been hearing about PLUM for ages, but I never
> saw anyone saying what it DOES.   I had to go to the PLUM site before
> I found a statement saying what it is.   And that was against my
> better judgement. If it's too much trouble for the PLUM team to say
> what it's for, why should I go to the effort? i have plenty to occupy
> my time.
> Look this sounds like a rant, and I suppose it is.  But I spent enough
> time in sales to know that no one has any obligation to look at your
> product.  IF you've gone to all the trouble to make it, it's up to YOU
> to tell potential customer/users why they should bother.
> Just because it's there and available, is insufficient reason for me
> to invest the time and money to go get it, on the off-chance it might
> be useful for me.
> There.  I feel much better now.
> --
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
> .com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year

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