I assume that getting gently 'nudged' out of the military for some stupid 
things I did as a young man would probably would disqualify me for a 
security clearance?  I had a 'secret' clearance at one point....


At 04:46 PM 12/14/2004, you wrote:
> > Best I have seen is the D.C. area. I may be way off base here, but most of
> > the recent requests for referrals that I have received are from Government
> > agencies (many of whom are bringing contract works back in house).
> > --- Ben
>DC rocks, as well as MD and VA! Although if you are looking to move to
>govt, you'll most likely need a security clearance for the higher
>paying enterprise level gigs. We have a CC MMUG here at Dept of State
>(I'm pushing to get two more CF slots, but its all red tape and budget
>at this point). I know Lisa runs a CC for DHS, which may be a good
>resource for CF jobs there.

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - New Atlanta

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