>what was the cause of this mass exodus from iMail to SmarterMail?  

Imail was killed by Ipswitch as a product, suddenly and without
warning.  Its dead and gone.

(although after a user revolt they said on the Imail forum that
availability "might be offered on an individual basis" with pricing to
be determined.)

You can have Imail as part of Ipswitch's ICS bundle, which is a mere
US$9995 for unlimited seats, with a similarly hefty annual service
contract that is *in addition* to the price.  Don't get me started on
ICS, which is just three unintegrated products bundled, rebranded...
and repriced.

> SmarterMail sounds like a fairly immature product
> and I would think there are more attractive servers available for large
> installations.

You would think that but a very large body of former Imail users who
tested the bejesus out of it and any other mail server we could get
our hands on would largely disagree.  Once Imail died much of their
very active list went into test-everyone mode.  To Ipswitch's credit
they let the traffic through.  Smartermail seemed to be the number one
choice.  Merak was second and a few rebels went to Postfix and swore
off Windows.

SM is a new product and it indeed is missing some features that an
enterprise would want.  ODBC integration of the user database comes to
mind immediately.  I would consider that fatal for a large enterprise,
although SM's xml config files are easy to work with directly, and you
can use web services to build on whatever you please  For the ISP
market its really quite a nice fit.  The comments about it beating
IMail for stability when stressed I've heard before and can
anecdotally echo.

Its lack of viable spam and a/v support is nothing to me as I use a
gateway in front of the mail server anyway.  But for everyone else
both Declude and MXGaurd are being developed for it right now, with
release fairly imminent, and SpamAssassin, ASSP, ClamAV and TrendMicro
work with it immediately.

If I were doing single, large enterprise work I would use Merak.  I
had a client that I was recommending it to.  They needed SOX
compliance, but SM can do the SOX-mail-copy thing very easily so for
... what was it... $99? we took a chance on it to see what happened. 
The client figured what the heck.  They're still happy.

--Matt Robertson--
President, Janitor
MSB Designs, Inc.

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - RUWebby

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