I don't know if this helps or not, but here's an interal KB we have on a 
ToString/XML bug:

CFMX function toString() outputs null when attempting to output a XML document 
created with the <cfxml> tag.

Example:<cfxml variable="ticker">     <xmlticker>          <cfoutput >          
<tickeritem><headline>          #XMLFormat(Trim(tempText))#          
</headline>           <link>            #XMLFormat(Trim(tempLink))#           
</link></tickeritem>            </cfoutput>    </xmlticker> </cfxml> 
<!--- this will output null when sandbox security is enabled 
---><cfoutput>ToString Result: #ToString(ticker)#</cfoutput>
The preceding toString() function outputs null or an empty string.

The following solution was found on Macromedia's forums. (see reference below)

1. Copy and paste this CF code into the template where the toString function is 
being used.

<!--- Standardized, JAXP-based version --->
<!--- (info on JAXP at http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxp/) --->
<cffunction name="XmlToString" returntype="string">
  <cfargument name="Xml" required="true">  

  <!--- Classes from the standard Java/JAXP APIs --->
  <cfset var stream = CreateObject("java", "java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream")>
  <cfset var transformer = CreateObject("java", 
  <cfset var domsource = CreateObject("java", 
  <cfset var streamresult = CreateObject("java", 

  <!--- Initialize class instances --->
  <cfset stream.init()>
  <cfset domsource.init(Arguments.Xml.getDocumentElement())>
  <cfset streamresult.init(stream)>
  <!--- Perform the actual serialization --->
  <cfset transformer.transform(domsource, streamresult)>

  <!--- Return the result --->
  <cfreturn stream.toString()>

2. replace the toString() function with XmlToString() in the CF Code.


Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - RUWebby

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