On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 14:56:30 +0000, Andrew Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking for a little bit of information. In what case would you
> use CFMX on a J2EE platform? We current have a server using CFMX &
> Apache on RedHat. What does using the J2EE platform give me and do the
> J2EE replace Apache as the webserver or do you still need that?

Hmm, this is an interesting question and I suspect it is mostly based
on a misunderstanding about how CFMX Standard works. CFMX - any
edition - is a Java application that runs on any J2EE application
server. In fact, it only requires a Servlet container, which is why it
will run on Tomcat (which is not a J2EE app server). The Standard
edition runs on a 'captive' version of JRun. The Enterprise edition
runs on either a full version of JRun or any other Servlet container
or J2EE server.

It sounds like you're having stability problems that are due to
misconfiguration rather than any inherent problems with CFMX Standard.
Depending on your traffic and a number of other factors, moving to the
J2EE edition might provide better utilization of hardware resources
because you can take advantage of clustering and so on.

If you're running CFMX 6.1 with the latest hotfixes and updaters,
there's no reason that you should be seeing instability per se - which
is why I say there may be some misconfiguration causing your problems.
Rather than spending the money upgrading to Enterprise edition, you
might want to talk to Macromedia's server product support team -
people like Brandon Purcell  - and spend the money with them instead
helping you reconfigure and optimize your system.
Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/
Team Fusebox -- http://www.fusebox.org/
Breeze Me! -- http://www.corfield.org/breezeme

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-- Margaret Atwood

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