> You haven't really looked into Plum at all
> -- there *is* no visual IDE or diagramming tool!

Excuse me? That's described on the What Plum Can Do Page...

to quote:

Point Plum to your database and generate code
The Plum IDE is a standalone Windows desktop application that reads
your database schema and creates an XML-based project file containing
the specifications of each object in your database. Once Plum has
these specs, it can generate all the source code necessary for
searching, sorting, listing, adding, viewing, editing, and deleting
records in your database. Source code is perfectly-formatted and based
on simple custom tag calls, so it's simple to understand and modify.
Plum does a pretty good job of guessing how you want your code to
generate, but most likely you'll want to change a few things to better
suit your needs. Just a few clicks is all it takes to completely
redesign and regenerate your source code, and it's fast, too.

Easy-to-understand business process diagramming technique
A simple diagramming method plots process flows against roles and
stages to give you a visual model of your application’s workflow.
Roles in these diagrams map to the roles used by ColdFusion for
authorization, stages map to status values stored in the database
records manipulated by processes on the diagram, and process flows map
to application modules, so everything your diagram directly determines
how your application will be built.

See the whole forest, not just the trees
Unlike wireframes, click-throughs, and HTML page prototypes that
concentrate just on screens, the Plum Methodology creates a complete
map of the entire workflow of each process flow your application
supports. This process map shows you precisely how a user arrives at a
task, which users can accomplish each task, and the various dependent
outcomes of each task. And unlike complicated diagramming techniques
like UML, Plum Diagramming is so simple and straightforward that both
you and your clients will understand exactly what's going on.

so let me strip out what gives me the impression there's a visual IDE:

The Plum IDE is a standalone Windows desktop application

Easy-to-understand ... diagramming technique ... A simple diagramming
method ... Roles in these diagrams map to the roles ... manipulated by
processes on the diagram, ... so everything your diagram directly
determines how your application will be built.

Unlike wireframes... And unlike complicated diagramming techniques
like UML, Plum Diagramming is so simple and straightforward that both
you and your clients will understand exactly what's going on.

These descriptions even have PICTURES of diagrams! So what am I
supposed to think?

s. isaac dealey     954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework


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