I have a form that passes two numeric values (state_id and product_id)
to a template for inserting those values into a mailing list table

However, whenever I submit the form I get the error below (the
processing template code is also below):

Being new to PreserveSingleQuotes  and replace functions, I can't help
but think its something in those two functions syntax wise that I've
done wrong

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria
SQL = "INSERT INTO mailing_list (product_id, state_id) SELECT
p.product_id, s.state_id FROM products p, states s WHERE p.product_id IN
('1') AND s.state_id IN ('3')"


<CFSET Product_id_QVL = "'" &
replace(replace(product_id,"'","''","ALL"),",","','","ALL") & "'">
<CFSET state_id_QVL = "'" &
replace(replace(state_id,"'","''","ALL"),",","','","ALL") & "'">

<CFQUERY Name="InsNewXref" DataSource="pap_search">
  INSERT INTO mailing_list (product_id, state_id)
  SELECT p.product_id, s.state_id
  FROM products p, states s
  WHERE p.product_id IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(product_id_QVL)#) AND
s.state_id IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(state_id_QVL)#)


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