On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 11:29:34 -0500, Ben Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well Eclipse can do most any kind of file so it is a single tool just
> > like you want. I use it for Java, JSP, CFML, C++, XML, PHP, and SQL
> > almost daily.
> >
> > But the CFEclipse part is just for cfml. There is a C#
> > plug-in, a XML plug-in, a regular expression plugin, an xpath plugin
> > (the list goes on and on and on). The reason eclipse is so cool is
> > that the work is broken up between the different plugins - meaning no
> > one plugin does everything.
> For some of us, I think the abstraction between Eclipse the SDK and Eclipse
> the IDE is not a very meaningful one in the practical sense. Certainly, we
> like the idea of an editor that can be extended with commercial and open
> source third party plug-ins. However, if we can't get the various plug-ins
> installed -- those we happen to consider necessary -- Eclipse is not very
> useful to us.
> I can't speak for Mike, but I've had a great deal of difficulty adding
> support for many of the languages and applications that I routinely use.
> Those languages include CFML, ASP, SQL, HTML,
> JavaScript/Jscript/ActionScript, XML, Java, and VBScript. Though I've found
> individual plug-ins for each, I have yet to get support for all of these
> languages installed and working simultaneously.

Intersting, I've never had problems getting them to work, but I do
recall tinkering from time to time which I am sure is the problem.

The CFEclipse project, and I know you are refering to Eclipse in
general, wasn't started to make a full on IDE, but to add CFML Support
to Eclipse. He3 was going to / is making a CFML IDE, but pehaps I'll
bundle some up. Mark Drew and I were just talking about it, but I
don't think it would be wise to burnded the CFEclipse project with
bundling an IDE on top of everything else.

> By that I mean that every time I install Eclipse (about 10 attempts so far
> or three different computers), I download various plug-ins. Several of the
> plug-ins are recommended on the CFEclipse page. Invariably, one or two of
> the plug-ins causes issues, though it seems to be different plug-ins each
> time, which leads me to believe that the install order has something to do
> with it.

Interesting... do you have a blog somewhere or can you post what
troubles you have had either to the cfeclipse mailing list or me
directly? I'd like to try to limit the issuse people are having with
Eclipse in general as much as I can so people dont get too much of a
bad taste :)

> I've started keeping local copies of various versions of each plug-in. I try
> to store them by whether or not they seem to play well with the other
> plug-ins I have installed. Still, I haven't quite achieved a stable,
> functional Eclipse.
> For reference, the plug-ins that I've tried recently include:
>   - cfecplise
>   - dbedit, dbexplorer, and jfacedb and quantum for database connectivity
>   - espell for spell checking
>   - eclipsetidy
>   - csseditor for CSS
>   - logwatcher
>   - subclipse for Subversion
>   - xmlbuddy and xmleditor for XML
>   - jseditor for JavaScript
>   - eclipsecolorer for classic ASP and various other languages

I'll try to build a quick informal bare bones eclipse .dmg with the
following support:
CFML, JS, CSS, Basic XML (cant use xmlbuddy its commerical). I'll list
the steps if you don't yet have a Mac ;) if you think that'll help.

> Many of these plug-ins are still at a pre-version 1 release state. In fact,
> most Eclipse plug-ins in general seem to be pre-version 1. Others haven't
> been around for a very long time or were just recently ported Eclipse 3. So,
> maybe this is all to be expected. Nevertheless, finding a working
> combination of plug-ins for Eclipse can be a long tedious process for some
> of us.

Open source guys are not marketing guys, so often the versions do not
reflect the maturity of the project. Hell Apache was a 1.3 just a bit
ago now they are at 2. Its often the marketing people who want to jack
the version up to give a false sense of matruity

> Anyway, I think Eclipse is a great idea, and I really -- really -- like the
> work going into CFEclipse. Unfortunately, I'm not able to use Eclipse for my
> daily tasks quite yet. But, if the rate of progress on just the CFEclipse
> plug-in is any sign, I have a hunch that this time next year, I'll have a
> radically different opinion.

Well cfeclipse is comming up on its 1 year birthday, and it can be use
daily for sure there are a lot of people doing just that. I think the
main hangup is getting it all setup correctly, which again, is not a
cfeclipse duity - but the cfeclipse mailing list and the side projects
that may be coming up might fix a lot of that

Thanks for trying it out Ben, if you give it another go, join the
cfeclipse mailing list and we'll try to get you going.


~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
~open source xslt IDE~
~open source XML database~

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - New Atlanta

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