> Departments, Roles, Policies, Permissions, Users

I do something similar, although the terms I use for them are a bit cattywampus.

Profiles contain collections of individual roles (which I suppose are
analogous to what most people call 'permissions'... old and bad habit
on my part using that nomenclature).  These in turn cover all sorts of
things.  To control access to the template membereditor.cfm, I might
have a 'role' called 'membereditor' that would be tested for at the
start of the code in that template.  No role=sayonara.

Then to control the individual 'edit' and 'delete' buttons (or whether
form fields showed up at all in the first place) I might have roles
like 'membereditor_edit' and 'membereditor_delete' and test for those
everywhere a form field might be shown, or perhaps just cover the
submit button and the data save code for a little less tedious coding.

Default profiles (like Sales_Admin and Marketing_Wonk) containing
collections of roles can be applied to anyone.  And then the
individual can be customized to any degree, provided the user has the
permission to do that.

As Micha said the interface is key as you wind up with a lot of
permissions to manage over time.  Especially true if your system is
live and growing, and you have to add new permissions and retrofit
existing user profiles.

--Matt Robertson--
President, Janitor
MSB Designs, Inc.

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - RUWebby

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