I've been looking for a project management system for the past few
days and i'm not happy with anything i've found so far. Can anyone
recommend something that they find really useful?

In our business, application design and development, projects need to
be broken down into tasks. Sometimes tasks are date based, but often
they aren't. Tasks are often in hierarchies. Nevertheless, sometimes
you need different views of tasks - you might be working on several
projects at once and need to see what is high priority, or due today,
or assigned to a particular individual.

Sometimes you need to time tasks, when you're billing per hour, and
need the ability to aggregate the timings per project for instance, or
preferably in any way you want.

Sometimes you need an overview for planning, a Gnatt chart type of
thing, but not for every little task. And the overview should be a
flexible drag and drop thing on a calendar view to allow for
adjustments. We can pretty much meet our deadlines (well, most of the
time), but clients live in their own worlds and change their mind
about everything and anything. So the planning part of the app should
be very flexible, or it will be quickly out of sync with reality.

Adding in the ability to track clients and invoice them would be the
icing on the cake, but now i'm afraid i'm truly in dreamland.

Does such an application exist? Or even a part of it? Everything i've
found is too limited to be of much comprehensive use.


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