<cfdump var="#form#">
above the code you've written.
Paste the output exactly.

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:04:40 -0500, Burns, John D
> Are you sure that's not the date that it's feeding in?  Are you positive
> your date format is written correctly.  I looks like 2012 is coming up
> for December which leads me to believe that it's reading in MM/DD/YY and
> it thinks it's coming in as YY/MM/DD.  Are you sure you're using the
> 4-digit year and that you've tried it as YYYY/MM/DD?  That was what had
> solved it for me.
> John Burns
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer
> AI-ES Aeronautics, Web Developer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 1:58 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Date Issues
> I tried that in the beginning thinking it might have something to do
> with it. But all that does is reverse the date 2012/07/20 what I really
> can't figure out is where it could possibly be pulling that date from.
> At 11:54 AM 12/21/2004, you wrote:
> >I know when I was using MySQL, it used the dateformat of YYYY/MM/DD
> >instead of MM/DD/YYYY.  You may need to fix your dateFormat to display
> >that correctly.
> >
> >
> >John Burns
> >Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX Developer AI-ES Aeronautics, Web
> >Developer
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Jason Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 1:48 PM
> >To: CF-Talk
> >Subject: Date Issues
> >
> >Can anyone narrow down what the problem might be:
> >
> >The site I'm working on was built for access, I ported it to mysql
> >after making all the needed changes for date stamps and anything else
> >incompatible I have a new issue that seems to be random. When updating
> >an Item via the administration application I have:
> >
> >
> >*Item Date Received:
> >
> ><cfif isDate('#FORM.itemDateRecieved#')>
> >          <cfoutput><cfset DR = #DateFormat(FORM.itemDateRecieved,
> >'MM/DD/YYYY')#></cfoutput>
> >
> ><cfelse>
> >          <cfoutput><cfset DR = #FORM.itemDateRecieved#></cfoutput>
> ></cfif>
> ><tr>
> >          <td class="formTitle"><span class="votitle">*Item Date
> >Received:</span></td>
> >          <td><cfif enabledYN eq "disabled"><span
> >style="color:gray;"><cfoutput>#DR#</cfoutput></span><cfelse><cfinput
> >type="text" name="itemDateRecieved" class="formBox"
> >value="#DR#"></cfif></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><span
> >class="small">MM/DD/YYYY</span></td>
> ></tr>
> >
> >Now when you update an item everything runs fine and seems to update
> >but on certain items dates are still fouled up. One in particular I'm
> >working on is always showing date 07/20/2012 and refuses to take
> >anything else. Now could anyone tell me is this a cf problem or
> >possibly a problem with the data field?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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