Ben Rogers wrote:

>>No, I think we actually agree, it's just that we're misunderstanding one
>>another. I'd better explain what I'm talking about. Roll on ASCII art!
> Sorry about the confusion. I wasn't referring to how the size of a box is
> calculated in either the W3C box model or the pre-Internet Explorer 6 box
> model. Nevertheless, that ASCII art was pretty impressive!
> I'm not sure that there is a specific term for what we're talking about.
> Here's the situation though...
> When you specify a relative size (50%) for a block element in CSS, the size
> is calculated based the total size of the containing block. If the container
> is set to auto, then the size of the container is unknown until the
> container has been completely rendered. In such situations, the relative
> size is ignored, defaulting instead to auto. This means that you have to
> know the size of all the box elements in the hierarchy to specify a relative
> size on one.
> You can read more about this behavior here:
>   "The spec says: 'If the height of the containing block is
>    not specified explicitly (i.e., it depends on content
>    height), the value is interpreted like "auto".'
>    This means that if you do not define any height at all
>    for the containing block, a percentual height of any
>    contained block doesn't work: the block becomes once
>    again exactly as high as it needs to be.
>    Even though this rule may in a few cases save the browser
>    work in calculating the correct heights of elements, I
>    still think that it is far too restrictive and it's
>    caused by bad thinking on the part of the standard makers
>    and the browser vendors. Counter-intuitive and
>    unnecessary rules like this one make our beautiful CSS
>    too hard to work with."
> Anyway, that's problem number one.

I read that, and I know that issue, but I can't fathom myself where
you'd take the extra height from if this rule wasn't there: the parent's
parent, and if so, how much would you take, and what would the extra
height be calculated relative to.

I think, regardless of the solution, somebody've been dissatisfied.

> To further complicate things, relative
> sizes are calculated based on the size of the containing block. This means
> that you have to know the size and width of all the elements within the
> containing block (all of the adjacent blocks) when specifying the relative
> size of an element.
> For example, I've found that trying to approximate the following layout in
> CSS is very difficult.


> In addition, each element has (or can have) it's own background color
> specified at the element level. Mostly, I just included the background
> colors to highlight the fact that each element lines up with one another
> regardless in the different content sizes (which I'm artificially
> controlling with the divs).

Went up to my retreat deep in the Ox Mountains and meditated on a
solution. Then, just as it came to me in a flash of blinding light, I
remembered somebody'd already solved this particular problem before:

>>The real problem is that CSS needs a way of saying "if my parent has any
>>free space, give that to me". "auto" means "give me just what I mean",
>>"100%" means "make me fill my parent", but what we need is a "remaining"
>>height, so if you specified:
> Heh, I thought that's what this entire thread has been about. I'm not sure
> where the IE vs. W3C box model came from, but the whole point I've been
> trying to make is that you can't specify the size of a block relative to the
> available content area.

Because Isaac was complaining about the box model, and I was trying to
tell him that his problems weren't with the box model.

>><div style="height:100px">
>><div style="height:remaining">Blah!</div>
>><div style="height:remaining">Blah!</div>
> I don't think it should be implemented this way because I want to be able to
> specify percentages of the "remaining" content area. If, in HTML, I
> specified width="50%" on a table, it would take 50% of the "remaining" area
> or what I've been referring to as the "available content area".

Ah, but I was only giving the simplest implementation. In addition, you 
might do something like this:

<div style="height:remaining">
     <div style="height:remaining(2)">Blah!</div>
     <div style="height:remaining(5)">Blah!</div>

In this case, the outer div would expand to take up as much of the
remaining height as it could, with the first child taking up 2 units
(2/7) of it's space (the parent having 2 + 5 = 7 units), and the second
taking 5.

"remaining" means the same thing as "remaining(1)", if you haven't 
already guessed.

This isn't as redundant as it sounds. You see, you can consider it a
"softer" version of the percentages. Whereas 100% and 50% are just that,
the "remaining" value just gives you the remaining space if it can.


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