Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote:
> Based on the comments - I ran a quick test with an SP which basically ran
> the following (where iLanguageID and iEventID were @ variables passed in via
> dbvarname):

How did you call the procedure, with cfquery or with cfstoredproc? Did 
you use <cfqueryparam>'s? That's actually what this part of the thread 
is about. I suggest you try ALL the possibilities.

> Now, this is by no means a solid call as it can fluctuate between them both
> taking 0 duration but never the SP taking any more than that and shows its
> more efficient.

That's not the point at all. We all know stored procedures are faster 
than plain vanilla sql statements. That's not in question, it's common 

> Client vars do perform updates internally using SP's for EVERY CALL if you
> do not switch that method off via the Client Vars section - maybe this is
> what your DBA was seeing?  This does indeed cause 3 SP's to run for every
> .CFM thread; turn the updates off if you don't need last visit and hit count
> updated constantly.

Yes, I know that, problem is the app was relying on these variables. 
After disabling these updates, there was still overhead and inefficency 
on the DB storage for client vars. Run SQL Profiler on your database and 
you'll see it compiling and removing procedures all the time, not very 
good practice.

-nathan strutz

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