Hi there
as you might now I am trying to make a plugin for fusebox 3. what I
was wondering was how do people make their fbx_Layouts.cfm file?

The reson I ask is that I have seen the demo and default but I wanted
to implement best practice.

Personally I do something like:

<cfparam name="defaultLayout" default="homepage">
<cfset fusebox.layoutDir = "layouts\">

<cfswitch expression="#defaultLayout#">
        <cfcase value="homepage">
                <cfset fusebox.layoutFile = "homepage_layout.cfm">
        <cfcase value="content">
                <cfset fusebox.layoutFile = "content_layout.cfm">
        <cfcase value="login">
                <cfset fusebox.layoutFile = "login_layout.cfm">
        <cfcase value="blank">
                <cfset fusebox.layoutFile = "lay_blank.cfm">
                <cfset fusebox.layoutFile = "blank_layout.cfm">

Mark Drew

coldfusion and cfeclipse blogged:

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