I'm trying to optimize some queries and I've got a dumb question.  The
current code is like this:

        <!--- Check to see if the key exists ---> <cfquery ... >
        SELECT  SessionKey
        FROM Table
        WHERE   SessionKey = <cfqueryparam ... >
        <!--- If it's a new entry, create it, if not update it ---> <cfif
local.CheckEntry.RecordCount EQ 0>
                <!--- Add the Session information --->
        <cfquery ... >
                INSERT INTO     Table    ( SessionKey )
                VALUES ( <cfqueryparam ... > )
        <cfquery ... >
                UPDATE Table
                SET SessionKey = <cfqueryparam ... >

What I'm going to do (this is SQL Server 2000) is replace that with an
"exists" test in a single query like so:

        <!--- Check to see if the key exists ---> <cfquery ... >
        IF EXISTS (
                SELECT  SessionKey
                FROM Table
                WHERE   SessionKey = <cfqueryparam ... >
                        INSERT INTO     Table    ( SessionKey )
                        VALUES ( <cfqueryparam ... > )
                        UPDATE Table
                        SET SessionKey = <cfqueryparam ... >

My question is with <CFPARAM> - what's up in this case?  Will it work fine
when all of the parameters all nested in IF statements like this?  Will
there just be a big long list of BIND variables and will the statement
(INSERT or RUN) use the right ones?

Am I making any sense?

Jim Davis

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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