>>> Even though he actually did, it just goes without saying: memory is
>>> than I/O.

> Under a heavy load, this is no doubt true. However, I was recently
> surprised to find that under a small to moderate load, there may
> be no noticeable performance difference.

The analogy here is that a BMW is faster than a VW Beetle but not when they
are both going at 20Mph.

>> I generally use the session scope

Since 98% of our applications will never be run in a cluster I too use
session scope even with the locking issues involved in CF5.x. (We are a bit
behind the curve and CF5.x "ain't broke" for us.)

Like anything it is a matter matching the methodology to the application.
Just because one is "technically" faster than the other does not mean that
one is "better" than the other, unless the application calls for it.

Best Regards,

Dennis Powers
UXB Internet- A Website Design and Hosting Company
690 Wolcott Road - P.O. Box 6028
Wolcott, CT 06716    tel: (203)879-2844

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - CFDynamics

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