Doesn't work, since DateDiff() only seems to count the number of full 
months between dates.  DateDiff("11/17/2003", "2/12/2005"), for instance, 
returns 2.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Garza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <>
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Suggestion for looping over months within a time period

> This works for me...
> <CFPARAM name="startDate" default = "11/17/2003">
> <CFPARAM name="endDate" default="2/19/2004">
> <!--- Get the number of months between the two dates... --->
> <CFSET numMonths = DateDiff("m", startDate, endDate)>
> <CFOUTPUT>Difference in Months: #numMonths#<BR><BR></CFOUTPUT>
> <!--- Loop, obviously and increment the base date by one month --->
> <CFLOOP from="0" to="#numMonths#" index="i">
>   <CFSET baseDate = Month(DateAdd("m", i, startDate)) & "/1/" &
> Year(DateAdd("m", i, startDate))>
>   <CFSET baseEndDate = Month(baseDate) & "/" & Daysinmonth(baseDate) & 
> "/"
> & Year(baseDate)>
>   <CFOUTPUT>StartDate = #baseDAte# ||| EndDate =
> #baseEndDate#<BR></CFOUTPUT>
> Hope this helps...
> Jeff Garza
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim McAtee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Talk" <>
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 3:02 PM
> Subject: Suggestion for looping over months within a time period
>> What is a good way to loop over the months within a time period?  For
>> example, given a starting date of 11/17/2003 and an end date of 
>> 2/19/2003,
>> I'd need to loop through Nov03, Dec03, Jan04, Feb04.  Within the loop 
>> I'll
>> be doing queries with a where clause like:
>> WHERE somedate BETWEEN #month#/1/#year#
>>      AND #month#/#DaysInMonth("#month#/1/#year#")#/#year# 

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