My first question is what is the requirement to parse the XML into a query?  
Why not just reference the XML object directly?

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

...-----Original Message-----
...From: Andrew Dixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
...Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 7:59 AM
...To: CF-Talk
...Subject: Using XML
...Hi Everyone.
...We have a busy website that uses a third party XML feed. Basically
...what happens is:
...1) The visitor completes a form specifying their criteria.
...2) A request is sent to the third party for results matching the
...3) The third party response with and XML results feed.
...The returned XML contains many elements with elements within them that
...also contain multiple sub elements and one of the sub elements also
...contains multiple sub elements. For example:
...   <elements>
...       <element>
...           <value1>1</value1>
...           <value2>2</value2>
...           <subelements>
...               <subelement>
...                    <value1>4</value1>
...                    <value2>4</value2>
...               </subelement>
...               <subelement>
...                    <value1>4</value1>
...                    <value2>4</value2>
...               <subelement>
...           </subelements>
...           <anothersubelements>
...               <anothersubelement>
...                    <value1>4</value1>
...                    <value2>4</value2>
...               </anothersubelement>
...               <anothersubelement>
...                    <value1>4</value1>
...                    <value2>4</value2>
...               <anothersubelement>
...           </anothersubelements>
...       <element>
...       <element>
...           <value1>1</value1>
...           <value2>2</value2>
...       <element>
...   </elements>
...Personally I think the XML format is messy, but that is out of my
...control. At the moment to parse the data into a query so I can create
...a results page from I'm doing CFLOOP's within CFLOOP's starting by
...looping over each 'element' inside the 'elements' structure and then
...working inwards to the 'subelements' and 'anothersubelements' and also
...the 'subsubelements' (not show above).
...Is this the only way to do this, or is there a better way? This way is
...very slow during busy times, but during quite times this is ok. Also
...this way is also affected but the number of returned results. The more
...results the more loops and therefore the longer it takes.
...Thanks in advanced.

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