Dude,  I think I got it SPANKED!!  What I've done here is a JOKE!! Just working 
now on the outside to make sure my queries and such will work. It all appears a 

I only had time to work with uploading one image last night, but this evening 
I'm going to build an array of images and sliiiiiiiide them in on the INSERT.  

I've always had good luck with cffile, multiple uploads, etc... but I want to 
do this with an array because I'm still an amateur rookie, and I wanna learn to 
do this stuff the right way.

I'll have everything uploaded in the next few days and show you how it works.  
For now, this is the site...keep in mind nothing works, the 70's music is just 
for fun right now, the images splashed on the page are so the client can see 
different pics (the ones to the left are HERS eeeeeek!), and how they'll look 
against black.

Thanks again! Joe too!


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