Katz, Dov B (IT) wrote:

> You can make the button be the fuseaction field (only clicked one is
> sent), but sometimes you want a prefix.suffix style fuseaction... In
> that case you can do something like this:
> <script language="JavaScript">
>       function appendFA(fa){
>               document.forms.RealForm.fuseaction.value+="."+fa;
>               document.forms.RealForm.submit();
>               return false;
>       }
> </script>
> <form name="RealForm" action="index.cfm">
> .....
> <input type="hidden" name="fuseaction" value="someFuseactionPrefix">
> .....
> <input type="submit" value="Delete" onClick="return
> appendFA('Delete');">
>       <input type="submit" value="Save" onClick="return
> appendFA('Save');">
>       <input type="submit" value="Cancel" onClick="return
> appendFA('Cancel');">
> </form>

Huh? That's overkill, isn't it? Why not just have two fields:

<form action="index.cfm" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="fuseaction" value="someFuseactionPrefix">
<input type="submit" name="faSuffix" value="Delete">
<input type="submit" name="faSuffix" value="Save">
<input type="submit" name="faSuffix" value="Cancel">

And in your index.cfm file:

<cfif IsDefined("FORM.faSuffix")>
     <cfset FORM.fuseaction = FORM.fuseaction & "." & FORM.faSuffix>

Simpler, no? You're leaving it more accessible, and it's less likely to
screw up in some way.


Keith Gaughan, Developer
Digital Crew Ltd., Pembroke House, Pembroke Street, Cork, Ireland

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