> That's cool if I just wanted to find out whether the
> tblcasino.poker field was in a list.

You mean if a tblPoker.pokerid field is in a tblCasio.poker list...

> But consider that I want to have one query where I join
> the tblcasinos table to the other sub-tables containing
> the descriptions of the game types.

> For purposes of creating a Verity Collection from the
> database.

> So of course

> Select tblCasinos.casinoid

> FROM tblCasinos,tblPoker

> WHERE tblCasinos.poker = tblpoker.pokerid

> Won't work in this case, because of the comma delimited
> list problem.

Ummmmm... except that this isn't the query I gave you... but I see
your point -- apparently my original post wasn't very clear... here's
a minor modification to join those 2 tables:

select tblCasinos.casinoid, tblPoker.pokerid
from tblCasinos, tblPoker
where ',' + tblCasinos.poker + ',' like '%,' + tblPoker.pokerid + ',%'

You may need to use convert(varchar,tblPoker.pokerid) if pokerid is an
integer column in sql server or something similar if this is a
different database -- but that basic structure will give you the
needed data.

> Damn I know there has to be a workaround but I can't think
> what the heck it is.

>>give this query a poke... err... I mean peek...
>>select casinoid from tblCasinos
>>where ',' + poker + ',' like '%,#pokerid#,%'
>>-- player poking pickle-o-phile

s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117
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