Calvin not quite.   CFEclipse, I can see, is a terrific development,
but as I found to my cost, if installation doesnt go right, it's very
very difficult to fix.    Support is dependent on the ample goodwill
of the people developing it,  but still there is no obligation on
anyone to make sure it all works.

This is no criticism of the folks who are developing the CFEclipse
product, but I found it difficult to download (It took more than an
hour to start downloading by the time i negotiated the maze of
sourceforge) and then installation didn't go perfectly - I wasn't sure
which of the 45 files i was supposed to be downloading, and even then
it wasnt a fullly bundled package.   So.  having a problematic
download and installation, everything went downhill from there.

Several of the patient and helpful people working on CFEclipse tried
to help, but unlike a paid-for package like StudioMX, I had no right
to DEMAND support.  I could not insist on whatever it took to get it
all going properly for me.  IN the end i had to just cross it off my
list as another

That's the difference between a user-supported open source application
and a fully commercial paid-for app.

In the case of CFEclipse, I can see if it all goes well, it's a very
versatile and developer-oriented product.  If it doesnt all go well
it's a bloody nightmare.

It's the same with the open source CMS  Farcry.  If installation goes
well, it's obviously straightforward. If you hit a snag you can't
DEMAND someone help you fix it, you are reliant on the goodwill of
other users.  If they lose patience with your problem or run out of
ideas, there's no obligation on them to stick with you.     I had a
non-standard setup with Farcry, and despite several days of working at
it, with the assistance of several other users, I couldn't get it
going in my setup before I reached decision time.   So I had to dump
it.  If I'd bought and paid for it, I could have said "you guys fix it
so it works and dont whine to me about the cost".

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 17:37:45 -0500, Calvin Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eclipse + CFEclipse is eclipsing any offer from Macromedia in terms of truly
> supporting ColdFusion.
> Every time I fire up WSAD for Java development for WebSphere, or even
> Eclipse, I shake my head at the whole DW/HomeSite/CF Studio debacle.
> - Calvin

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