I'm starting this thread to continue a discussion on file uploads, arrays, etc..

I'm reading some on Jeff Peters book, Lists, arrays, and structures, and I'd 
like to ask you guys what would be the best way to handle my form values, 
looping them into a table. 

Let's say I had this for a form. 
<cfset numberoffields = 5>

<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#variables.numberoffields#" step="1">
<cfset filename = "file" & i>
<cfset titlename = "title" & i>
<input type="File" name="<cfoutput>#variables.filename#</cfoutput>" />
<input type="text" name="<cfoutput>#variables.titlename#</cfoutput>" />
<br />

How would I build a flexible array or structure that ArrayAppend(ed) or 
StructAppend(ed) my items into them. Then I loop over the array or structure 
and insert the values into my table. 

What's the best method? Joe? dave? Could you provide a simple example?




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