Actually, most of the issues with Verity and Linux have been worked out. We run 
Verity, with much 
success, on RedHat. I also have instructions, as of yet untested, for getting 
Verity to run on Debian.


Yves Arsenault wrote:
> One thing you should keep in mind is that the Verity engine that comes
> with CFMX only supports certain Linux distribs, at least it did at the
> time I set up the MX server. If I'm wrong or have outdated info,
> please feel free to jump in....
> :-)
> But there was a Lucene based engine on one of the DRKs...
> For BD 6.1, I manage a BD 6.1 on Mandrake 10 box, BD 6.1 has Lucene
> built into it.
> I've never used it in production, but have tested it, it seems to work
> very well.
> Thanks,
> Yves
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 15:39:25 -0500, Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>We plan to build a pretty high traffic site with CF, and I was wondering if
>>there are any issues with CFMX/Bluedragon on Linux.  Is it stable?  Are
>>there major features that are not supported on linux?  I'm sure that MS
>>Access is probably not supported, but are other DBMS' supported such as MS
>>SQL server (understandable it will have to run on a separate machine, but is
>>there a driver to connect to it?).

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