On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:33:14 -0500, Pete Ruckelshaus
> OK, I am signed up for the Blackstone account and got my info from
> Crystaltech, but nothing from Macromedia so no documentation.  Would
> any kind soul be willing to email me the Blackstone docs (PDF or
> zipped html files, I would assume), or at least cover the syntactic
> changes/additions to Blackstone over MX 6.1?

Unless you are on the Blackstone beta, you will not get access to that
(and anyone sending you that information will be violating NDA in a
very serious manner!).

You will get access to whatever docs CrystalTech provide. If you've
had to sign a MM NDA, I would expect you to be able to join the MM
beta program.

I'll try to find out the official word...
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