OK, you have my interest now. I've just spent most of the morning playing 
around with the configuration on my desktop at work. 

> I've used Quantum and JFaceDBC. Both 
> did all I needed, but I found setting up drivers a bit of a pain, so 
> I'm 
> always looking for better alternatives to point people to. I currently 
> use Quantum.

I have installed Quantum, I just have the JDBC-ODBC driver installed right now, 
and it seems to have issues with my current config. I'll play with this later.

> > - Multiple file/folder panes. Maybe I'm lazy but I find the two 
> file/folder pane feature of HS+ to be really convenient. That was such 
> a big deal when it was added to HS+.
> We have talked about this and we're still looking for use cases to see 
> exactly how people currently use it. It could very well be that we can 
> do something better by adding features to a single view. The most 
> common 
> use case is people wanting to keep track of where they are in the file 
> system when working with multiple files. We already have a right-click 
> menu option that allows you to find the current file in either the 
> navigator view or the file explorer view.
> What do you use the multiple views for?

I use multiple panes for a variety of things, but here are a couple of examples:

- I'm writing a bit of code and I need a function that I know I have written 
before or that I have sitting around somewhere. I normally work in the Project 
pane, so I can use a File pane to go look for the file that has the function I 
need and I don't have to lose my place in my project. 

- Similar to above, I want to use a custom tag/UDF, etc. and I don't remember 
its structure. Over to the File pane to find it. 

- This one is more administrative. I want to look at something in another 
system, say a test or production environments, or someone else's working 
project, without losing my place in the current project. Not that I can't find 
my way back :-), but it saves mouse clicks. 

I have been thinking for awhile that there is no good configuration management 
tool for dev/test/production web apps in CF. I use the Archive and Deploy 
features in CF Admin, but there are limits to what it can do. You can't build 
an archive on one system and deploy it to another from a single interface, for 
instance. That whole thing is really a separate project from a CF IDE, but it 
matches the thinking of part of the Eclipse project where people are building 
administrative tools in the Eclipse platform.

> > 
> > - Split file/folder panes. Possible with CFE today? The DW layout 
> really bugs me, and personally I think it represents very poor 
> usability. Here we spend all this time learning to build usable Web 
> sites that don't scroll, and we end up with an IDE with endless 
> scrolling. It would be really cool if the panes were detachable. 
> > 
> We already have split file/folder in the file explorer view and we 
> plan 
> to create a new project navigator view that can work this way as well 
> as 
> having ftp support in the context menu.

Is the split view feature released? I can't find it, but I'm in the Project 
Navigator and I have mapped my project to the VSS provider below.

> > - VSS integration
> There is a VSS plugin available here:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/vssplugin/
> I don't use VSS, so I can't comment on whether it's any good or not.
> Have you tried it?

Now I have, it looks OK. I had to switch to 3.1 M3 to get it to work, and now 
the JS editor and CSS Editor aren't working.

> We have an Outline view that does something similar to the Tag 
> Inspector. We could certainly expand it to cover some more of the 
> feature set of the Tag Inspector if enough people want it.

Looks good. The main thing I like about Tag Inspector is Flow Control. Very 

> That's a pretty reasonable request and we've been chatting about 
> providing a packaged solution.
> I presume by now you've seen Rob's blog:
> http://www.robrohan.com/blog/index.
> cfm?mode=entry&entry=14994065-D86C-DE08-A0395AD015D50C8B
> We're also working on the documentation and troubleshooting side of 
> things.

That would be very useful. Overall I am very encouraged by what I see, 
especially with the VSS plugin (the lack of which was a deal-breaker before). 
What I see and read is that, because all the plugin development teams work on 
their own with loose coordination with the Eclipse platform team, it can be 
tricky to get all the plugins you need on an Eclipse build where everything 
works. I will happily submit my configuration as an example of what to do once 
I can get everything smoothed out, and I am going to give CFE a go here for a 
few days and see what other feedback I can provide.

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