did u know u get a big error mesage when u go there with ie? (see below)
was pointed out to me by jamie at hostmysite.com (silly boy still uses ie!!)
works fine with firefox though

Error Occurred While Processing Request  
Could not find the included template /cflib/includes/udf.cfm.  
Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (e.g. 
TEMPLATE="/mypath/index.cfm") with CFINCLUDE then you must create a mapping for 
the path using the ColdFusion Administrator. Using relative paths (e.g. 
TEMPLATE="index.cfm" or TEMPLATE="../index.cfm") does not require the creation 
of any special mappings. It is therefore recommended that you use relative 
paths with CFINCLUDE whenever possible.  
The error occurred in D:\websites\cflib.org\wwwroot\Application.cfm: line 53
51 : 
52 : <!--- Include UDFs --->
53 : <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="/cflib/includes/udf.cfm">
54 : 
55 : <!--- Include CFCs --->


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