If you were thinking about trying cfeclpse, but didn't want to mess
with the plugin hunt, you can now try it out by just downloading the
files from my blog, unzip them, then run the Eclipse executable in the
cfeclipse.X directory.

There are now packages available for MacOSX, Linux, and the other one
- weighing in at about 34MB

The packages include: 
Eclipse3.1M4 - for Mac OSX  and Linux - Eclipse 3.0 for the other one
PHPEclipse 1.1.2
JSEditor 0.0.9
CSSEditor 0.0.4
JDBC drivers for JTDS (MSSQL), Postgres, MySql

They support CVS and Subversion version systems.

You can download them here http://www.robrohan.com/ on the right under eclipse.X

Cheers, and let us know how it goes

~The cfml plug-in for eclipse~
~open source xslt IDE~

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