Do your query and then loop over it.. using cfloop with startrow and
maxrow attributes

On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:19:34 -0500, Daniel Kessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a search (
> If I have alot of hits in the search results, want to display the
> first 25 and then do page 1,2,n after that.  Is the idea that I just
> search for the first 25 with maxrows=25 and then follow a search for
> the total number to determine the number of additional pages?  The
> maxrows idea wouldn't allow me to do the page two search would it
> where I want to just return rows 26-50?
> I've not done this type of search/display before so I'm basically
> looking to see if I'm on the right path and for pointers.
> Here's my current search that just returns all results without the pages:
> <cfset find_text = 'WHERE service_population='Social'> <!--- build a
> WHERE here--->
> <cfquery name="getSearchItem" datasource="dch">
>        SELECT service_population,agency,city,state,salary_status,int_agency_id
>        FROM internships
>        #preservesinglequotes(find_text)#
>        ORDER BY agency ASC
> </cfquery>
> --
> Daniel Kessler
> Department of Public and Community Health
> University of Maryland
> Suite 2387 Valley Drive
> College Park, MD  20742-2611
> 301-405-2545 Phone

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