Assuming you have a pretty standard loop something like this.

<cfloop ...>
        <cfquery name="foobar" ...>

CF is not going to hang on to old versions of the query.  Each time through the 
loop, it is going to replace the old query with a new one unless you are doing 
something to give each version of the query an unique name.  I presume the old 
data will hang around until garbage collection comes along and cleans it up.

Then, unless you are doing something in a persistent scope and/or caching with 
the queries, once the page finishes, all the queries are going to go to garbage 

And finally, you may want look closely at why you are looping over a query.  I 
would hazard a guess that 8 out of 10 times, a looped over query can be 
restructured to be done in one pass combined with nested looping of the results.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

...-----Original Message-----
...From: Nick Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
...Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 11:08 AM
...To: CF-Talk
...Subject: Query proactive termination, is this necessary?
...What is the most graceful way to terminate a CFQuery once you have used
...results, and free up resources?
...I use a query within a loop. Would it be more efficient to terminate the
...query at the end of each cycle (assuming there is a graceful way) and let
...CF reestablish the query or leave the query open?
...Background: I am guessing that you can tie up a lot of resources by not
...actively terminating queries?

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