What is wrong with this???

Trying to get an update to work:

      <td><select name="Client_Education"
Value="#qClient.Client_Education#" tabindex="230">
          <option value="Less than 12 years"<cfif Client_Education is
"Less than 12 years">SELECTED</cfif>>Less than 12 years</option>
          <option value="High School or GED"<cfif Client_Education is
"High School or GED">SELECTED</cfif>>High School or GED</option>
          <option value="Some College"<cfif Client_Education is "Some
College">SELECTED</cfif>>Some College</option>
          <option value="College Graduate"<cfif Client_Education is
"College Graduate">SELECTED</cfif>>College Graduate</option>
          <option value="Vocational Training"<cfif Client_Education is
"Vocational Training">SELECTED</cfif>>Vocational Training</option>
          <option value="Unknown"<cfif Client_Education is


An error occurred while evaluating the expression: 

 Client_Education is "Less than 12 years"

Error near line 81, column 67.

Donna French

Blog: http://dgfrench.blogspot.com
Site: http://www.dgfrenchdesigns.com

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