I hear you on price, but a) they offered some pretty serious breaks at the
last fusebox conference; talk to them maybe, and b) there are several
different editions with different levels of functionality and price.

Desktop app is a drag, but it does allow some functionality that's hard to
do in a web app.

Just FYI, I'm not an Adalon user myself, just someone who's looked at it, so
I'm not the best person to talk about methodologies for working w it.

Dave Merrill

> Two things I don't like about Adalon - Price and it is a desktop app.
> - Calvin

> Have you folks looked at Adalon, http://adalon.net/? It does requirements
> gathering, wireframing, etc. It also does code generation for fusebox and
> struts, and cool-looking documentation, all from your design specs. The
> various generators can be radically customized in the pro version.
> Not totally inexpensive, and fairly heavyweight in terms of the
> process it's
> really trying to support, but many folks swear by it, especially in the
> fusebox community. Definitely worth a look if you're thinking about how to
> standardize your software lifecycle process, and support it in software.
> Dave Merrill
> > I have been thinking of building an application along these lines for
> > a while, my thinking has been going along the lines of
> >
> > (the core)
> > 1) Capture Requirements
> > 2) Break down each requirement into features
> > 3) Break down each feature into technical specifications
> >
> > (for websites)
> > 4) Create wireframe and assign features
> >
> >
> > The idea is to keep versioning of each item, and if you change a
> > requirement it highlights wich features need revision,, and in turn
> > which technical features need revision.
> >
> > you could then assign users (this is mean to be a web based solution)
> > to deal with groups of features (oh did I mention grouping too?) as
> > well as developers to detail technical specifications.
> >
> > Each item (requirement, feature, tech) would allow the upload of
> > documents and assignment to a wireframe.
> >
> > Also each item could be assigned to a user as well as defining
> > duration and resources etc.
> >
> > I have just had this thought banging around my head for a while, so I
> > would welcome feedback.
> >
> >
> > Some of the "features" of this system is that since you are estimating
> > on items you can see the total (plus any modifiers) time for each
> > requirement , and inversly if you change a requirement you can see
> > which technical bits are affected.
> >
> > I have been building a little db of this but need to get the
> > versioning working
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > MD

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