I don't think you can upload directly into a variable into memory.  I believe 
the process will need to be:

Upload file from client to server
Read file on server into memory variable
Process variable into xml

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

...-----Original Message-----
...From: Ian Vaughan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
...Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:50 AM
...To: CF-Talk
...Subject: RE: Using Coldfusion with XML
...Using the following code I am getting an error complaining of no
...destination specified for the UPLOAD, but in this case what would this
...be as I am not uploading the XML file to a location but to a variable to
...<form action="parse.cfm" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method="post"
...<input type="file" name="UploadFile">
...<input type=submit name="submit" value="Upload Document">
...And my action page of
...<cffile action="UPLOAD" filefield="Form.UploadFile">
...<CFSET MyXML = XmlParse(#Uploadfile#)>
...<CFSET xnBuildingRecord = MyXML.XMLRoot>
...<CFSET xnSchemeUniqueRecordIdentifier =
...<P>The Number is #xnSchemeUniqueRecordIdentifier#</P></CFOUTPUT>
...-----Original Message-----
...From: Stephen Moretti (cfmaster) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
...Sent: 26 January 2005 15:31
...To: CF-Talk
...Subject: Re: Using Coldfusion with XML
...Ian Vaughan wrote:
...>Yes taking the XML doc and parsing the information stored within into a
...>database table.
...ok - in which case - I refer you to point 3 of my previous email....
...>If you actually need to do something with the XML data in CF, but only
...>need the CSV as a means of getting the data into CF, then xml2query
...>will cut out the CSV middle-man giving you something easier to work
...with in CF.
...You can then use the query thats been created from the xml to insert the
...data into your database.

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