Thank you. 
I have tried that before but got a different error. I am trying to see
now if all the permissions are set up properly.

This is the error:

An error has occurred while trying to execute query :[LDAP: error code
1 - 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C0905FF, comment: In order to perform
this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection.,
data 0, vece].

One or more of the required attributes may be missing/incorrect or you
do not have permissions to execute this operation on the server

I suspect that I don't have the permissions to execute it. 


On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 13:40:05 -0400, Rebecca Wells
> Here is the CFC I use to authenticate users. Notice that there are 2 LDAP 
> queries, first to see if the user exists, then using the returned username 
> and form.password to return their info. This is from the example given on 
> page 369 of the book "Developing ColdFusion MX Applications with CFML.
> <!---
> NOTE: for this to work, this code needs to be in a MX accessible web root.
> USAGE: <cfinvoke
>                component="security"
>                method="authenticate"
>                returnVariable="authenticated"
>                cfcUsername="#form.username#"
>                cfcPassword="#form.password#"
>           >
> --->
> <cfcomponent>
>        <cffunction access="public" name="authenticate" output="0">
>        <!--- security authentication function --->
>        <!--- username and password required --->
>        <cfargument name="cfcUsername" type="string" required="1"/>
>        <cfargument name="cfcPassword" type="string" required="1"/>
>        <cfset UserSearchFailed = 0>
>        <!--- This filter will look in the objectclass for the user's ID. --->
>        <cfset filter = "(&(objectclass=person)(uid=" & arguments.cfcUsername 
> & "))">
>        <!--- Query LDAP for the user's DN; used later to authenticate the 
> user. --->
>        <cftry>
>                <cfldap action="query"
>                        name="userSearch"
>                        attributes="dn"
>                        start="o=#companyName#"
>                        scope="SUBTREE"
>                        server="#serverIP#"
>                        port="389"
>                        filter="#filter#">
>                <cfcatch type="Any">
>                        <cfset UserSearchFailed = "true">
>                </cfcatch>
>        </cftry>
>        <!--- If the user search failed or returns 0 rows abort. --->
>        <cfif NOT userSearch.recordcount OR UserSearchFailed>
>                <cfset UserSearchFailed = "true">
>                <cfset errormsg = "UID for " & #arguments.cfcUsername# & " not 
> found.">
>        </cfif>
>        <cfif userSearch.recordcount and not UserSearchFailed>
>        <!--- Pass user's DN & password to see if the user authenticates. --->
>                <cftry>
>                        <cfldap action="QUERY"
>                                name="auth"
> attributes="givenname,surname,uid,userid,groupMembership,mail,dn"
>                                start="o=#companyName#"
>                                scope="SUBTREE"
>                                server="#serverIP#"
>                                port="389"
>                                filter="#filter#"
>                                username="#userSearch.dn#"
>                                password="#arguments.cfcPassword#">
>                        <cfcatch type="Any">
>                                <cfset UserSearchFailed = "true">
>                        </cfcatch>
>                </cftry>
>        </cfif>
>        <cfset User = StructNew()>
>        <cfif not UserSearchFailed and auth.recordCount and len(auth.userid) 
> eq 4>
>                <cfif auth.groupMembership IS NOT "">
>                        <!--- Parse the roles from the group memberships. --->
>                        <cfset groupList = Replace(auth.groupMembership, ", ", 
> ":", "All")>
>                        <cfloop list="#groupList#" index="i" delimiters=":">
>                                <cfset thisRoleStart = FindNoCase("uid=", i)+4>
>                                <cfset thisRoleEnd = FindNoCase(",", i, 
> thisRoleStart)>
>                                <cfset roles = roles & Mid(i, thisRoleStart, 
> thisRoleEnd-thisRoleStart) & ",">
>                        </cfloop>
>                </cfif>
>                <!--- Trim final comma from the end of the roles variable. --->
>                <cfset roles = RemoveChars(roles, len(roles), 1)>
>                <cfscript>
>                        StructInsert(User, "givenname", auth.givenname);
>                        StructInsert(User, "surname", auth.surname);
>                        StructInsert(User, "uid", auth.uid);
>                        StructInsert(User, "userid", auth.userid);
>                        StructInsert(User, "roles", roles);
>                        StructInsert(User, "mail", auth.mail);
>                        StructInsert(User, "ou", auth.dn);
>                </cfscript>
>        </cfif>
>        <cfreturn User/>
>        </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>

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