> I shouldn't have given that specific example.  My reason for 
> bringing this whole issue up is that people say beginners' 
> code has a lot of CFIF statements.  I am using Fusebox now.  
> So it elimates a lot of CFIF statement already, but I still 
> feel that I have too many CFIF in my code.  I am just looking 
> for alternative, better, and more efficient methods to handle 
> all of those conditional statements.

You're making this more complicated than it needs to be. Everyone's code has
lots of CFIF tags. If you have simple conditional questions, use
CFIF/CFELSEIF/CFELSE. If you have an expression with many possible values,
use CFCASE. If you want to throw an exception in some condition, use
CFTRY/CFCATCH. But don't worry about which is "right", because it just
doesn't make a significant difference.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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