Personally, I really LIKE the FTP/WebDAV method...

And it fits well with Rob's write local/publish remote best practices idea.

However, there's a bug in the FTP tool that will result in an error
message that reads:

Site Missing for {ftp URL}

I've traced it back to the FTP plugin not writing configuration
information for a second site, possibly a second FTP URL at the same
IP? That's where I've run into it the worst.

While I don't have time to actually get into dealing with the Java to
fix it, I do know what the problem is an am working on finding a
workaround. The issue is that it creates a several-character signature
that links the Eclipse project to the FTP URL, and I haven't found a
reliable means to detect/edit it and insert it into the config file.

The config file for the FTP/WebDAV plugin is at:

The signature for the site is a mix of null characters and other
special characters tailed with a 3-letter code...

So, I'll let you know when I know more...


On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 17:33:02 -0500, Michael T. Tangorre
> > From: Spike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > I can't answer for the Eclipse project itself, but we plan to support
> > FTP and SFTP through something similar to the existing Navigator view.
> >
> > The basic idea being that you can right-click on a file and
> > folder and
> > choose get/put/synchronize. When you choose one of those
> > options you are
> > presented with a dialog box that allows you to specify the FTP server
> > and relative path details. If you have previously performed an FTP
> > operation on that file/folder, or one of it's ancestors in
> > the project
> > tree, those details will be prefilled in the dialog. We might
> > also keep
> > a history of FTP connections  per tree location so you can
> > choose push
> > to a staging server or to a live server for example without having to
> > remember and type in the connection details for each.
> Awesome.
> In the meantime I think the webdav/ftp plugin should work.. although it's a
> little tedious to use. The Navigator integration you mentioned would be very
> cool.
> Mike

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