Will, do you have Dreamweaver MX?


On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 15:58:32 -0400, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got tired of linking to an original image via target ="_blank" to enlarge 
> the view. There's no control over it. So I built a variation of Nate's popup 
> window UDF from WACK.
> Here's what I've come up with, maybe someone has some improvements? Would a 
> custom tag be better for this? There are quite a few parameters, but they 
> make it much more flexible.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated. It seems to work great in testing.
> <cffunction name="ImagePopup" returntype="string" hint="Sends in an image 
> name and makes
> a larger version popup from it. Also displays the image itself on your page,
> in whatever size you specify">
> <cfargument name="ImageName" type="string" required="yes">
> <cfargument name="LinkFolder" type="string" required="yes">
> <cfargument name="LinkText" type="string" required="no" default="Click to 
> enlarge">
> <cfargument name="PopupWidth" type="numeric" default="450">
> <cfargument name="PopupHeight" type="numeric" default="500">
> <cfargument name="PopupTop" type="numeric" default="200">
> <cfargument name="PopupLeft" type="numeric" default="200">
> <cfargument name="Scroll" type="string" default="yes">
> <cfargument name="ImgWidth" type="numeric" default="100">
> <cfargument name="ImgHeight" type="numeric" default="100">
> <cfset var Features = "">
> <cfset var LinkCode = "">
> <cfset Features = "width=#ARGUMENTS.PopupWidth#," & 
> "height=#ARGUMENTS.PopupHeight#, top=#ARGUMENTS.PopupTop#,"
>  & "left=#ARGUMENTS.PopupLeft#, scrollbars=#ARGUMENTS.Scroll#">
> <cfsavecontent variable="LinkCode">
> <cfoutput>
> <a href="#LinkFolder#/#ARGUMENTS.ImageName#" 
> onClick="popupWin=window.open('#LinkFolder#/#ARGUMENTS.ImageName#','wcspopup','#Features#');
> popupWin.focus(); return false;" 
> onMouseOver="window.status='#JSStringFormat(LinkText)#';return true;"
> onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true;"><img 
> src="#LinkFolder#/#ARGUMENTS.ImageName#" height="#ARGUMENTS.Imgheight#" 
> width="#ARGUMENTS.ImgWidth#" border="0" alt="Click for a larger view" /></a>
> </cfoutput>
> </cfsavecontent>
> <cfreturn LinkCode>
> </cffunction>
> And here's how I use it. Apply to a hard-coded image name, or the way I am,  
> a query.
> <!--- This UDF makes images pop up in a new window via Javascript. List 
> attributes in this order:
> imagename, image folder, mouseover text, Popup width, Popup height, distance 
> from top, distance from left,scrollbar yes or no, image width, image height 
> --->
> #ImagePopup(getimages.imagename, "productimages", "Click for larger view", 
> 500, 500, 20, 300, "yes", 175, 175)#

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