I was hopeful that someone had solved this for MX61, but instead I'm
confused. I don't have an 'opt' directory (Windows 2000), and don't find any
files named 'coldfusion.*' that you might be referring to. Is this solution
for unix only? More particulars?

FWIW, we had something for this purpose working in cf45, but it stopped
working when we went from there to mx61. CF would stop, but not restart.

The .bat file we used (with cfexecute) was this, except that we've since
added the ' MX':

REM stop all CF services
net stop "ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent"
net stop "ColdFusion MX ODBC Server"
net stop "ColdFusion MX Application Server"
sleep 10
REM start all CF services
net start "ColdFusion MX Application Server"
net start "ColdFusion MX ODBC Server"
net start "ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent"

If anyone has any idea how to do this, we'd love to know.


Dave Merrill

> Jon Block wrote:
> |What's the way in which you can restart CFMX service with CFML code
> |natively?
> |
> |Jon
> |
> <CFEXECUTE NAME="/opt/coldfusionmx/bin/coldfusion" ARGUMENTS="restart">
> Note that you must allow whatever user CFMX/Apache is running as
> permissions to execute that command... which opens up a whole new can
> of worms....
> Another way to go about it is to have CFMX write to a shell script and
> have that shell script executed by a cron job with the appropriate
> permissions.
> At any rate, it requires a bit of creative thinking, but should be
> possible.
> - --
> Warm regards,
> Jordan Michaels

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