Hey, what's wrong with the colors?

I designed them, but *my* desinger approved them after the fact. ;)

I'm really sorry... I can't just distribute the code. My intention was
to set Nick up with a demo... which got away from me. :) However, it's
fantastic to know that you like it... it's one of the handiest things
I've ever written. I built it specifically because I got sick of
having to have Enterprise Manager or QA open during my projects...
just to look at table metadata.

BUT, here's the gotcha. It's planned for release it for sale for
between $20-$30 (US) within the next month or so and it's company
property so I can't just hand it out. Being a small firm we need to
leverage what opportunities we can, and this is sort of patterned
after WinZip, WinAmp, etc., inexpensive software widgets that improve
the day. Small projects like this can keep a small company afloat, and
we've got high hopes pinned on this one.

Personally, I think that for what it does, $25 is a steal... it's the
fastest, easiest quick-reference-copy/paste tools I've ever had. The
views print just beautifully (and the colors work perfectly in
grayscale), so for offline analysis or hardcopy documentation, it's
the best. And you know your queries and sproc tags are going to be
right because it gens them right from the tables' own metadata.

Eventually I'm going to add connectors for it to deliver the same data
from Oracle, MySQL, and any other relevant databases that people ask
for, a customizable interface for the View Queries screen, and after
Blackstone comes out I may rework it with full reports, tabbed views,
and skins. I don't want to make it too fancy because one of its strong
suits is its LIMITED functionality.

If you're still interested, drop me an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and I'll add you to the distribution list we've got going for
interested parties. I'm also thinking about opening a Google Group or
a Yahoo Group (or maybe SmartGroups since they're built in CF...) for
support and information.

I will be leaving the demo up and running since I've had a positive
response... I hope that it works our for all of us. You get an
inexpensive but cool tool, I get to eat next week. :)


On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 10:58:28 +1100, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jared, that's a good application!   (I think my designer would take
> issue with some of your colour choices but what the hey).
> I  would also really like to have a look at how you've done it.   Any
> chance of getting the code too please?   Please?
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:06:53 -0600, Andy Ousterhout
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Nice.  Can you email me the code off-line?
> >
> > Andy
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jared Rypka-Hauer -
> >
> > OK, then...
> >
> > For purposes of demonstration, I have removed the cflogin restriction
> > to the application. Since it's just hitting the Northwind datasource,
> > I'm not terribly concerned.
> >
> > SO, without further ado, please use this URL:
> > http://w2ksrv1.neo.servequake.com/dbanalyzer/index.cfm
> > NO USERNAME, NO PASSWORD... (sheesh... it must be monday! ;) )
> >
> > To view the demo version of the application.
> >
> >

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