I figure this is an ODBC vs. JDBC issue . . .

The following cfif has been working fine in CF5 for 3 years but it breaks in
MX 6.1 with updater (we are just now migrating CF5 to MX, so I don't know if
it would have worked in MX or MX 6.1 pre updater . . .):

<cfif right(trim(code), 1) is not 0 
        and trim(code) is not "W8" 
        and trim(code) is not "W12" 
        and right(trim(code), 3) is not 904 
        or not isDefined("RS1")>

        alert("An error has occured within this application,
        please try again later.

code is the return code and message is the message sent back by a DB2
mainframe stored procedure:

<!--- cf5 to cfmx - 20050129                            --->
<!--- DBVARNAME is ignored in cfmx                      --->
<!---           DBVARNAME="@PARM-RETURN-CODE">  --->
<!--- cf5 to cfmx - 20050129                            --->
<!--- DBVARNAME is ignored in cfmx                      --->
<!---           DBVARNAME="@PARM-RETURN-MSG">           --->

What's happening is that if trim(code) is "W8" or "W12" MX executes the cfif
above instead of falling through.

I have checked, and trim(code) does convert correctly to "W8" or "W12".
Without trimming it is "W8 " and "W12 ". I have also tried CF_SQL_CHAR (and
a number of others in desperation!) instead of CF_SQL_VARCHAR, but that made
no difference.

Any ideas why the cfif isn't working on MX?

We are using IBM JDBC Type 2 drivers to access DB2 on z/OS (mandated by our
DB2 folks) but behavior is the same with the DataDirect DB2 JDBC Type 4
drivers supplied with the updater. We are running CFMX Enterprise 6.1 with
updater on Windows 2000 . . .



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