I don't know exactly what you're trying to do, but I am pretty sure that 
the PreserveSingleQuotes function has NO effect when it's not inside a 
<cfquery> tag.

So there is ZERO difference between this:

<CFSET TitleSearch="Where (Title Like 

and this:

<CFSET TitleSearch="Where (Title Like '#Attributes.Title#%'">

It's only purpose is to prevent single quotes from being doubled up 
inside cfquery.  Since you're not inside cfquery when you are running 
the preserveSingleQuotes() function, it doesn't do anything.

  - Rick

> I have a page for users to search what is in the database.
> There are a half dozen different things they can search on.
> Title/Author/Genre/Etc
> My action page pulls all the chosen criteria together and sends it to a 
> stored procedure.
> It is not working when a user types in a ' into a title. 
> I've added the PreserveSingleQuotes to the title piece:
>     <CFSET TitleSearch="Where (Title Like 
> '#PreserveSingleQuotes(Attributes.Title)#%'">       
> I added it to the code that pulls all the criteria together:
>   <CFSET SearchThis="#PreserveSingleQuotes(Title)# #Genre# #Grade# #Voice# 
> #Type#)">
> And lastly I added it to the stored procedure.  However,  the ' still whacks 
> it all out. 
> DBVARNAME="@SearchThis">
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> J

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