On Feb 6, 2005, at 3:46 PM, dave wrote:

> you wanna be my grandpa? haha

Ya!  You're on timeout... go sit on the stairs.

>  yeah its the ipod shuffle i was refering to and yeah thats a good 
> price!
>  i bought an irivers 128mb one for the xmas plane rides for $50 but 
> normally they ar $99, so the apple ones are a bargain concidering the 
> quality!
>  the irivers is supposed to be real good but i listen to the gf's ipod 
> and the ipod is better (a model thats a complete techie! SCOREEEE!!) 
> shes got all the cool stuff!!
>  what your are doing intrigues me because i will be travelling and 
> fishing this summer all over the place and would be great to take 
> along for demos as i do flyshop sites.
>  i'd pay the $129 for that package! since id be buying the thing anyway


Actually, as a developer, you don't need to pay anything everything 
except the CFML engine is free, open-source.  The BDj2ee is free to 
developers, you just can't redistro it

I currently run several versions of BD & CFMX under CFEverywhere for 
compatibility testing.  Everytime there is a new release, I just deploy 
it and update the Jetty CFML file to reflect it-- 10-15 minutes tops!

It (the memory stick) becomes awfully hard to *not* justify.

>  just deduct that from the $400 i wont be paying for shorthorn ;)

Well, if you run on a Mac, you won't have to wait for longtooth -- The 
Tiger is coming in the next few months...

.... and you know what a sleek, sinewy Tiger will do when he sees a cow 
walk by (if he doesn't die of hunger/boredom first...

... just outrun him :)

> ----------------------------------------
> From: Dick Applebaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 6:00 PM
> To: CF-Talk <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
> Subject: Re: [SOT] Supporting multiple browsers and versions
> On Feb 6, 2005, at 2:10 PM, dave wrote:
>> dick, how is it coming with the new lil mac mp3 player/drive and
>> running cfm on?
> Dave
> If the new mac mp3 player you refer to is the iPod shuffle, then great!
> shuffle is a memory stick in 2 sizes:
> 1/2 Gig: $99
> 1Gig: $150
> I am told that's very competitive and it is almost a magical experience
> as a music player (too long to describe here)
> As to CF...
> We call it CFEE -- CFEverywhere Extended it includes a complete CF
> runtime enviromnent and a Developer environment, con sisting of:
> 1) Jetty (Servlet container and web server
> 2) BDJ2ee CFML engine It will work with CFMX, except CFMX won't run
> from CD and is not redistributable (you'd have to dload and install it
> your self
> 3) Derby (or other) db server and databases
> 4) Your CFML apps, source and/or compiled encrypted
> 5) Eclipse & CFEclipse
> Everything is preinstalled under a single double-clickable icon. It
> has a very small footprint (AIR 14 Meg without Ecloipse & CF eclipse).
> And, yes it runs just fine from an iPod.
> Phil Cruz is considering upping the price of his CFCDoc desktop CFML
> application from $29 to $129 and throwing in the iPod (along with some
> free iTMS songs).
> I posted this somewhere today, someone has ened created a RAID storage
> cluster out of a USB adapter & for shuffles:
> http://www.wrightthisway.com/Articles/000154.html
> ...stranger than me...
> Dick

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